CL.BAT ------ A batch file to compile Clipper 5.0 .PRG files and link using the RTLINK supplied with Clipper 5.0. I do not use a .CLP script file when compiling because I don't want all my source files compiled into one .OBJ file. Hence the need for this particular batch file. Page 3-2 of 'Clipper 5.0 Programming and Utilities Guide' briefly explains the use of compiler script files. Consistent with the limitations of DOS, CL.BAT allows from zero to nine .PRG filenames to be passed as command line parameters. Each parameter, source filename, is passed to the Clipper compiler. If no command line parameters are passed, the batch file jumps to the ':link' label and a re-link is done. Compiler options at the end of line 4 may be changed to your liking. See pgs. 3-8 thru 3-11 of 'Clipper 5.0 Programming and Utilities Guide' for an explaination of Compiler Options. Linking is done via the .LNK script file specified on line 11 and must be changed to reference your particular .LNK file. The name of the .LNK file must be proceded by a '@' character. See pg. 4-6 of 'Clipper 5.0 Programming and Utilities Guide' for an explaination of Script File Mode. An example .LNK file follows. verbose fi pirs fi adt fi enter fi vitals fi io fi kardex fi epi fi pass fi dia fi rs li timer5 /pll:base50 An exit errorlevel of 1 or higher from either the Compiler or Linker will cause the batch file to jump to the appropriate label, beep and display an appropriate message. Happy Holidays from Tennessee! P.K. Spence 76314,612